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Access for differently abled people
We really want to encourage visitors with disabilities and that doesn't mean you will need one of these!
The Forest Centre site is largely level and once completed will have wheelchair friendly stone paths connecting every building, all of which have ramped entrances and are designed internally to meet current demanding UK disability access guidelines

Please notify us in advance if you are a visitor likely to need assistance. Certain parts of the site such as the cliff top walk are difficult terrain for people with visual impairment, for example. Others, such as the Forest Reserve Trail are hard in a wheelchair but don't worry. We want you to have the full experience, its just that we need to prepare the help.
We are committed to welcoming everyone, irrespective of any disability so if you think this place might be too much for you, think again. We promise to find a way to ensure that you enjoy all the exciting challenges that the Forest Centre has to offer.
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