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We have been collaborating since 2007 on a range of sustainable development initiatives. Over that time 550,000 trees have been planted, 40 acres of indigenous forest protected, 3 class rooms built, 4 nurseries and a community water supply established.
Tropical trees play a crucial role in regulating planetary temperatures so our overall project mission is to work together to create a sustainable development model that generates employment and a range of other economic benefits for the community of Bore which enable them to protect rather than consume their local forest resources.
By helping our Kenyan partners conserve their forest we are doing our bit to keep the atmosphere healthy for everyone.

Theophrastus Kithunga - Chairman, BGU
Alex Katana - Project Manager, Bore

Ester Kombe - Treasurer BGU
Christine Kanini - Women's Co-ordinator, BGU
The Boré Forest Centre is a project implemented by the Boré Green Umbrella workers co-operative in partnership with the Community Carbon Link from Wales.

Mackrener Nema Ngasho - IT co-ordinator

Ru Hartwell - Director, CCL
The Boré Green Umbrella Management Team

(3 members not present)
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